Monday, September 24, 2007


I just got this sylvan photo in the mail yesterday. In the photo are, from left to right, Daisy, Mary, Daphne, and Sorsha enjoying their new home.

On September 12th (has that only been 12 days ago?) we packed up 7 sheep in the funky old trailer and drove up to the Canadian border. 5 Shetlands and one Gotland-Finn were headed to 100 Mile House and the flock of Beth and Dennis Greig. Teebo, one of the Scottish Blackface F1 UK ram lambs was headed to Chilliwack and Jean Robertson's flock. Dave and I much enjoyed meeting Dennis and Jean at the border station and talking sheep, government paperwork and how to save the world for the 2 hours(!) it took to process the sheep. (We really did enjoy the company!)

Beth just sent the photo of the sheep and a nice note saying that they're adjusting well. :-) Thanks, Beth!

- Franna

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