Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hello to the World

Last night we put Emmie - EverRanch EMF - into a jug. There was just something about her... maybe it was the way the ram lambs wouldn't leave her alone, or that she wasn't quite as enthusiastic about eating, or her heavier breathing. Whatever it was, when I got up this morning and checked the Lamb Cam, she had this dark shadow with her!

There's not much question to this lamb's sex!! I'm thinking maybe Faraday would be a good name for him....
Thanks, Emmie!
This closes EverRanch Farm's 2007 lambing season. We have 40 healthy lambs bounding around. Four Scotties gave us 7 awesome lambs (3 rams, 4 ewes) from Scottish Genetics; 7 ewes gave us 15 half-Gotland lambs (10 rams, 5 ewes), all of whom are turning gorgeous, lustrous grey!; 7 Shetlands gave us 14 outstanding Shetland lambs (7 rams, 7 ewes); three others gave us 4 half-Finn market lambs (2 rams, 2 ewes). From 21 ewes - including 6 yearlings plus 2 other first time moms - that's almost a 200% lambing rate. We may have to bottle and sell the water. :-)
- Franna


Kathy said...

I sure had a giggle about the water comment, Franna! :) The vet in charge of the SFCP here was saying the same of us, but we did fewer ewes than ewe! (lol)

It's a good thing I don't have to worry about such things anymore! One thing is for certain - Skittles sure puts his heart into his job! (As well as the ewes!)

I'm glad to hear that lambing is over. How is the little guy with the leg problem now?

Michelle said...

I'd buy the water IF it would give me that kind of lambing rate AND at least 75% ewes! Ha!