Saturday, January 05, 2008

Happy New Year!

Wow it's been busy! What with the auction, Christmas, New Years and judging agility, it seems like it's been only a few minutes since the middle of December. whew!

We have Big News! Construction has started at ERN - yeee haaaa!!! We have a driveway and some clearing around edges and in the areas for well and house. The photo below is looking down the 1000 feet of new driveway to Boon Road. This is near the site of where the "nursery" and arena will be. Oh! Exciting!!!

We're off in a few minutes to consult with the construction guys about where the house will actually be sited. We don't want to remove any more trees than necessary. These trees have a rough life in the winds from the Straits of Juan De Fuca, and have a lot of character. More photos later.

- Franna


Kathy said...

Congratulations on breaking ground, Franna! Neat! So when is it you're selling the place you're in now? ;-)

And let me know as soon as you get money for the item I put up in the auction...surely everyone will get their monies in soon...

I'm trying to get some rovings spun up and then will start on the SBF fleeces I got from you. I will leave some raw for people to see at the Celtic Festival...if you think of any other Scottish/Celtic breeds (I've gotta look in Sheep & Man again) let me know...I'll try to get samples, etc. BUT I'm pushing the Shetland...gee, I wonder why? LOL!!!
And Happy New Year!

Michelle said...

How exciting! And you've had that going on as well as everything else? I'd say that's an overflowing plate....